Uncharted Spark Pipeline  Build Status Coverage Status


Apache Spark is a powerful tool for distributed data processing. Enhancing and maintaining productivity on this platform involves implementing Spark scripts in a modular, testable and reusable fashion.

The Uncharted Spark Pipeline facilitates expressing individual components of Spark scripts in a standardized way so that they can be:

Quick Start

Try the pipeline yourself using spark-shell:

$ spark-shell --packages software.uncharted.sparkpipe:sparkpipe-core:1.1.0
scala> import software.uncharted.sparkpipe.Pipe
scala> Pipe("hello").to(_+" world").run

Assuming you have a file named people.json, read a DataFrame from a file and manipulate it:

scala> :paste
import software.uncharted.sparkpipe.Pipe
import software.uncharted.sparkpipe.ops

.to(ops.core.dataframe.io.read("people.json", "json"))
.to(ops.core.dataframe.renameColumns(Map("age" -> "personAge")))
.to(_.filter("personAge > 21").count)

Advanced Usage

Optional Stages

scala> import software.uncharted.sparkpipe.Pipe
scala> Pipe("hello").maybeTo(None).run // == "hello"
scala> Pipe("hello").maybeTo(Some(a => a+" world")).run // == "hello world"


import software.uncharted.sparkpipe.Pipe

val oneInjest = Pipe("some complex data injest pipeline")

val transform = oneInjest.to(_.toUpperCase())

val toHdfs = oneInjest.to(in => {
  // convert to parquet and send to HDFS

// or
Pipe(transform, toHdfs).run


import software.uncharted.sparkpipe.Pipe

val oneInjest = Pipe("some complex data injest pipeline")
val anotherInjest = Pipe("another complex data injest pipeline")

// You can merge up to 5 pipes this way
val transform = Pipe(oneInjest, anotherInjest).to(in => {
  val oneOutput = in._1
  val twoOutput = in._2
  oneOutput + " and " + twoOutput


import software.uncharted.sparkpipe.Pipe

val oneInjest = Pipe("some complex data injest pipeline")
val anotherInjest = Pipe("another complex data injest pipeline")

// merge and run
val transform = Pipe(oneInjest, anotherInjest).to(in => {
  val oneOutput = in._1
  val twoOutput = in._2
  oneOutput + " and " + twoOutput

// at this point, the output of every stage of every Pipe is cached
oneInjest.run // <- this will return a reference to the same String as the one used inside transform!
              // this is useful, so that you can cache and reuse the same RDDs/DataFrames in multiple Pipes

// want to clear the cache?
oneInjest.run // <- this is a new copy of the string "some complex data injest pipeline"

Included Operations

The Uncharted Spark Pipeline comes bundled with core operations which perform a variety of useful tasks, and are intended to serve as aids in implementing more domain-specific operations.

Core operations fall into the following categories:

RDD Operations

DataFrame Operations

DataSet Operations

Coming soon!